
Saturday, May 5, 2012


Well, we aren't off to a great start, are we? I've learned that if I don't stick to the schedule I've given myself, even the tiny one I have now, I get very much off track. For instance, two days ago my to-do list popped up saying I needed to fold the laundry. I was in the middle of something, probably an episode of Supernatural and crocheting, and I told myself I would fold as soon as I finished... Like I said, that was two days ago and the clothes are still in the dryer. I tell myself that I'll improve at things like this as soon as xyz happens, and inevitably xyz does happen while I continue to not improve. Currently xyz is unpacking this house... When I finish unpacking I'll follow my to-do list better, I'll add more things to the to-do list, I'll cook more, I'll craft more, I'll blog and vlog more, I'll blah blah blah. I need to stop putting things off until some future event occurs, and start getting down to business.

Speaking of unpacking, I have made a ton of progress! It feels like I haven't gotten anything done, but slowly it is coming together. :) I've gotten the vast majority done, and the rest I really just need the Hubs to help with. The problem is that I am on the brink of becoming a hoarder. Hubs knows this, and has said that he wants us to really get rid of some stuff instead of just putting it in the attic. I am willing to do this, I just need him to provide a helping hand. He tests for Staff Sergeant on Monday, and so he has been studying since we've moved in. It's only been two weeks, but this is why I am still not finished unpacking. As soon as the test is over, Operation Super Unpack shall commence! Wish us luck!

Now, I'm going to post a recipe, start dinner, and then fold that laundry... Maybe...

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